Ferr Pixel Quickstart Guide
The two things you need to know about in Ferr Pixel are the Pixel Filter Effect component, and the Pixel Snapper component! With these two simple tools, you should be able to pixelate just about anything, and keep it from flickering all over the place!
Pixel Filter Effect Component
To get started, add a Pixel Filter Effect component to your Main Camera object! You should immediately see your Game window begin to pixelate. To adjust the pixelation, use the Size Method and Size Value properties! Screen Vertical Pixels (How many pixels should the screen have along the vertical axis) will likely give you the most consistency across platforms and different screens, but the others are there in case your needs are a little different!

If your game is 2D, you may be especially interested in the snapping features! Without appropriate snapping, small movements of the camera or objects on the screen can cause unwanted 'moving pixels'. Since the pixelation filter is taking a high resolution source and downsampling it to a much more compressed image, small movements can cause the GPU to select very different pixels from the source data! Snapping can prevent these artifacts by keeping the same pixels at the correct increments every frame.
Pixel Snapper Component
Snapping in Ferr Pixel is a breeze! Just check the Use Snapping property on the Pixel Filter Effect, and add a Pixel Snapper component to any objects with a Mesh Renderer in your scene that move, static objects won't need one :)

Perspective Cameras
If you're using a perspective camera, you'll need to set the Snap Plane property to the distance from the camera to the content you wish to remain stable! With a perpective camera, only objects at that exact distance will remain stable, since the snapping increments would be very different at different distances!
Armed with this knowledge, you should be set to pixelate anything! If you need additional help, check for additional tutorials on the ferrlib.com site, or email support at support@simbryocorp.com!